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Peperomia make good indoor plants. As house plants they are low maintenance, with fleshy leaves that mean they can retain water in their leaves like succulents. There are more than 1,500 types of peperomia – the main attraction is their foliage, with a wide choice in leaf shape, texture and colour, from Peperomia argyreia with leaves that resemble the rind of a watermelon, to the large glossy leaves of Peperomia obtusifolia, and the tiny patterned leaves of Peperomia prostrata.

One of the main things to consider when taking care of a peperomia plant is its position. These plants come from tropical jungles, where some species grow on trees and others on the jungle floor. To keep your peperomia happy this means that their ideal position is one where they get bright, indirect light. They don't need or enjoy direct sun.

Although some peperomia have the common name radiator plant, avoid putting plants right next to a radiator as their compost will dry out quickly. The name is more likely to refer to the fact that peperomia need warm air, so keep plants in a room where temperatures don't drop below 10ºC in winter.

Peperomia caperata mixed

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